Integration Testing - with Open Source Tool Citrus

Start your new software developments faster, more securely and without any errors: The open source tool Citrus developed by ConSol contains everything you need for fully automated integration tests or interface testing.
Whether on the client or the server side, synchronous or asynchronous – test your software communication from every angle. Whether HTTP, SOAP, JMS, Camel, Kafka or databases, Citrus integrates all common interfaces into your standard test frameworks (JUnit, TestNG, Arquillian, Cucumber etc).
Integration Testing with Citrus
Platform Independent
The Citrus Framework runs everywhere: locally on Windows, Linux, Mac OS or alternatively in a container (Kubernetes and OpenShift).
During integration tests Citrus automatically checks the syntax of messages (WSDL, XSD, etc.) as well as their content (XML, JSON, plain text, etc.).
Client-server Simulation
You test the various transport routes (HTTP REST, SOAP, JMS, Mail, WebSocket, File, and so on) with ready-made client and server components.
With Maven or Gradle, you can easily integrate your fully automated Citrus tests into your continuous build pipeline.
Requirement Driven
With Cucumber you embed your tests directly into your Behavior Driven Development (BDD), so that the result meets the requirements of your project.
By using technology-independent interfaces and protocols, the Citrus testing tool understands your specifications regardless of the language used.
Citrus tests are based on technology-independent interfaces and protocols. So, it doesn't matter which programming language is spoken in the project.
Thanks to flexible plug-in interfaces, you can seamlessly embed your domain-specific requirements into the workflow with Citrus and receive tailored software tests according to your specifications.
Open Source
Non-proprietary and transparent in integration tests: Benefit from the know-how and extensions of the open source community.
Head of IT Development and Enterprise Architect at M-net
Co-owner of Bittner+Krull
ConSol Integration Packages
Microservices Starter
You don’t have a precise idea of your integration architecture yet? Just use our blueprint to quicky achieve your objective. We recommend a microservice architecture with open-source tools like Spring Boot, Apache Camel, Freemarker, Kafka, Artemis and Zookeeper – all of course cloud-native.
Using ConSol Integration Packages Basic, Plus & Premium, your individual solutions will work like parts of a whole.
ConSol Microservice Factory
ConSol Microservice Factory was developed by us to be used with extending your already existing architecture. We offer many levels – from proof of concept to creating thousands of microservices. While building services, with tests, CI/CD as well as with implementation, we draw on our blueprints.
With the Microservice Factory packages small, medium & large you can scale your solution as required.
Integration Testing Technologies

Any Questions about Fully Automated Integration Testing with Citrus?

Let's talk!
Thomas Machata