Reference Union Investment: Modernization of the Legacy System
Get new applications to market, fast! That is an existential necessity for financial service providers competing internationally.
The financial expert Union Investment recognized this early on. In future, it will be running its application architecture on a new, lightweight framework based on microservices and Quarkus.
transaction-based migration applications.
less working memory required, thanks to Quarkus.
less time required for migrations, thanks to ConSol's Microservice Factory.
ConSol migrated the client's legacy system into a new, lightweight, future-ready application system. This modernization enables Union Investment to make its processes more effective and deploy its transaction-based applications quickly and reliably. ConSol's objective was to help make a success of the migration and offer its know-how when optimizing the processes.
Project Description
The project began with Union Investment calling for proposals. Its monolithic application system (JBoss) had become outdated. ConSol was awarded the contract because Union Investment was convinced of the efficacy of the Microservice Factory as a process accelerator in the project. We migrated the existing legacy system to OpenShift.
The first step was putting together a proof of concept: using a real-world use case from the financial sector, we compared the performance of Quarkus with that of a traditional cloud-native stack. Quarkus came out the winner because it needed less storage and booted significantly faster than Spring Boot.
Union Investment and the eight-strong project team from ConSol performed the migration hand in hand. Union Investment provided old adapters, from which ConSol extracted metadata, which the Microservice Factory then used to generate a strong foundation for the migration. At the same time, ConSol ran automatic tests using its proprietary open-source tool Citrus (also on the old adapters to prevent regression), and then sent the new adapters to the applicable departments at Union Investment for evaluation. Once approved by them, we deployed the new adapters live in the production environment and monitored their functionality for the first 2-4 weeks.
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Migration to OpenShift: Any Questions About the Project?

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Andreas Schilz